Today I feel like the in the Led Zeppelin's song - Kashimr- lyrics -
Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face , stars fill my dreams
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait, all will be revealed
Gājiens pāri likteņupei Daugavai
Šodien no rīta kopā ar Alnīti bijām pasportot uzpēlējot skvošu, kurā man vēl ir daudz ko mācīties, bet ne par to ir šoreiz stāsts.
Kad jau bijām beiguši sportot, devāmies atpakaļ uz centru no Z-Boulinga, un tā kā abiem darbs ir vecrīga, tad izdomājām kājām iet, jo ārā feins laiciņš.
Esam jau klāt gandrīz pie tilta, kad ienāk ĢENIĀLA ideja prāta, varētu pāriet upei pāri neizmantojot tiltu.
Sacīts darīts :)
Un tā mēs devāmies pāri - sajūtas, skats, emocijas vnk neizstāstāmas. Tas reiz katram dzīvē jāpamēgina.
Kad jau bijām beiguši sportot, devāmies atpakaļ uz centru no Z-Boulinga, un tā kā abiem darbs ir vecrīga, tad izdomājām kājām iet, jo ārā feins laiciņš.
Esam jau klāt gandrīz pie tilta, kad ienāk ĢENIĀLA ideja prāta, varētu pāriet upei pāri neizmantojot tiltu.
Sacīts darīts :)
Un tā mēs devāmies pāri - sajūtas, skats, emocijas vnk neizstāstāmas. Tas reiz katram dzīvē jāpamēgina.
4 Reasons Why Sleep is Important
Sleep is something that comes naturally to everyone and most people do not think about it or its importance. For the most part, the only people who do think about sleep are those who are having a hard time falling asleep or sleeping through the night. In order to understand this natural part of daily life, it is necessary to know why sleep is so importance to the human body.
Here are 4 Reasons Why Sleep is Important:
- For Optimal Physical Growth - This is especially true in growing children between the ages of 0-12 years of age. Sleep allows the body to perform optimal functions as such as cell growth, which is necessary in order to achieve ideal height, higher intelligence quotient, and many other aspects of human development.
- Rest and Regeneration - Sleep allows the immune system to rectify any imbalances in the body. This is why people who are suffering from infections or any kind of sickness are advised to rest and get some sleep. The human body needs rest in order to perform cell regeneration and heal itself from the inside out.
- Reduction of Stress - The body has the capacity to cope with even the most stressful situations and sleep is one of the most vital components of its defense mechanism. The more stressed out you get, the more sleep your body will need in order to correct the imbalance and regain status.
- Overall Wellness - Rest is very important and it is achieved through proper sleep. The average human being needs about 6 to 9 hours of sleep every night in order to feel rested and relaxed the next morning. Individuals who get enough sleep are more energetic and productive, as opposed to those who only get a few hours of sleep every night.
Many people take sleep for granted and suffer as a result. Make sure you're getting the right amount and type of sleep so that you are functioning at your highest level.
The benefits of reading
There are many benefits of reading books. Unfortunately, in this day and age, not a lot of people take the time to read them anymore. When was the last time you picked up a book? Blame your answer on technology if you must, but that doesn't change the fact that you're missing out on a lot of wonderful benefits!
- Reading Feeds Your Mind. Reading books provides you with new knowledge. Whenever you read something, you learn new information. It can be a fact about history or a theory you did not know existed.
- Reading Keeps Your Brain In Shape. Reading also keeps your mind in good condition. Similar to solving puzzles, reading books allows your mind to practice its processing skills.
- Reading Develops Your Critical Thinking Skills. One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your critical thinking skills. Reading mystery novels, for example, sharpens your mind. Whenever you are faced with a similar problem in real life, your mind is able to put its mystery-solving to a test.
- Reading Makes You More Articulate. There's nothing quite like reading books to help you become a better conversationalist. Seeing how words are used (and how sentences are structured) with your own eyes helps you commit the information to memory.
- Information Is Readily Accessible. One of the great benefits of reading books is that the information in it can be accessed over and over again. When you're following a recipe, for example, reading a cookbook allows you the luxury of reviewing the procedures and the ingredients whenever you need to.
These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books. Drop by the bookstore or library today and pick up a new book. Did you know, you can even download eBooks online and read them on your computer? Pick up a book today and see how advantageous reading can be for yourself!
Filma/movie - Our Idiot brother/Mūsu muļķa brālis
Jau atkal ir pienācis laiks kaut ko pateikt, par nākošo filmu, kas man nesen redzēta, un atstāja iespaidu.
Šī filma ir - Our Idiot Brother - Latviskojot būtu - Mūsu muļķa brālis.
Filma ir ļoti vienkārša, un balstīta uz dialogiem. Tājā ir vareni daudz joku, kas balstīti uz pavisam vienkāršu lietu - patiesumu, un tā ir arī filmas galvenā pamatdoma- nevajag izlikties. Esi tāds kāds esi, un pieņem visus apkārtējos, kādi viņi ir, nevis kādi cenšas būt publiski.
Patiesību ne vienmēr būs patīkami dzirdēt, bet tā atvērs tavas acis. Tas notiks agrāk vai vēlāk, un daudz patikāmāk ir apzināties, ka Tev palīdzeja, Tev tuvs cilvēks.
Smieklīga dzīves situāciju komēdija. Dodu filmai 7.6 punktus :)
Šī filma ir - Our Idiot Brother - Latviskojot būtu - Mūsu muļķa brālis.
Filma ir ļoti vienkārša, un balstīta uz dialogiem. Tājā ir vareni daudz joku, kas balstīti uz pavisam vienkāršu lietu - patiesumu, un tā ir arī filmas galvenā pamatdoma- nevajag izlikties. Esi tāds kāds esi, un pieņem visus apkārtējos, kādi viņi ir, nevis kādi cenšas būt publiski.
Patiesību ne vienmēr būs patīkami dzirdēt, bet tā atvērs tavas acis. Tas notiks agrāk vai vēlāk, un daudz patikāmāk ir apzināties, ka Tev palīdzeja, Tev tuvs cilvēks.
Smieklīga dzīves situāciju komēdija. Dodu filmai 7.6 punktus :)
Filma/movie - Drive/Izbrauciens
Agrāk, kad bija dzīves posms Kanādā, bieži rakstīju par filmām, ko tur skatījāmies kinīšos.
Esmu nolēmis atdzīvināt šo tradīciju, jo pēdējā laikā esmu noskatījies vairākas labas filmas, par kurām ar savām domām gribu padalīties.
Pirmā ir filma - Drive, jeb kā man pašam labpatīk teikt latviski - Izbrauciens.
Filmā galvenais motīvs protams, nav ne braukšana ne izbrauciens, tas ir tikai viens no instrumentiem asākam sižetam. Par ko tad īsti ir filma!?
Filma ir par cilvēku attiecībām, par to cik tālu TU esi gatavs iet un palīdzēt, samērā pat svešam cilvēkam no kaimiņa dzīvokļa.
Filma ir par cilvēku attiecībām, par to cik tālu TU esi gatavs iet un palīdzēt, samērā pat svešam cilvēkam no kaimiņa dzīvokļa.
Filmas producenti/režisori ir lieliski izmantojuši vienu no trikiem - portreta rādīšana un radīšana neizmantojot diologus, bet tikai momentu, ar attiecīgu fona mūziku. Tā liek cilvēkiem pašiem domāt līdzi, sajust galveno varoni, mēģināt viņu izprast. Protams, katram tas ir nedaudz citādāk, bet efekts tiek panākts, jo liek izjust momentu, liek domāt - ko es justu būdams viņa vietā, un - Vai es to spētu ?
Protams, kā jau gandrīz katrā kino lentē arī šeit ir mīlas stāsts, bet tas netiek pateikts teiši, tev filma liek to sajust un domāt.
Vērtejums - labi un emocionāli, 7.9 ir mans rezultāts šai filmai.
4 things to do
• Write Your Goals Down-Get your goals on paper and put it somewhere where you will constantly be reminded of them. This will help you keep on track and remind you to focus on your goals.
• Prioritize-If you have five goals you really want to accomplish, prioritize them. You may also want to set mini-goals for yourself that will serve as milestones to your eventual goal.
• Make an Action Plan-How are you going to achieve the goals you've set for yourself? Decide how you're going to do things and get started!
• Track Your Progress-So that you don't lose sight of your goals, track your progress toward them monthly to help yourself stay on task.
• Prioritize-If you have five goals you really want to accomplish, prioritize them. You may also want to set mini-goals for yourself that will serve as milestones to your eventual goal.
• Make an Action Plan-How are you going to achieve the goals you've set for yourself? Decide how you're going to do things and get started!
• Track Your Progress-So that you don't lose sight of your goals, track your progress toward them monthly to help yourself stay on task.
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